Real Estate Agent in Rosebery - Property & Rental Manager

Need a Real Estate Agency in Rosebury?

We’ve collected data such as the average per metre cost, or median and average sales prices, among other criteria, which can assist your decision making, whether you are buying, selling or renting. Contact us at Amsure Realty as we have experience in the industry since 1992. 

About Rosebery

How Rosebery’s modern development can enhance your lifestyle.

Historically Rosebery was named after the UK Prime Minister Archibald Primrose, who was Earl of Rosebery. Before World War II, the Rosebery horse racecourse was very popular. As the area developed over the years a number of influences were noticed in the homes, but Rosebery is known primarily as the ‘garden suburb’. Rosebery is in a full bloom! Garden competitions used to be very frequent in the area. Nowadays it is a pleasure to be part of the area, as it has quality designs and modern homes. Enjoy all the latest trends from cafes to visiting Green Square or the CBD as it’s just 20 minutes away. Also, if you are a frequent traveller the area is close domestic and international airports.

Do you need a second opinion about a property you are considering? Whether buying or selling or crafting a lease we can negotiate contracts that benefit both sides. We can help buyers find the right contractors to inspect buildings, in order to avoid any unexpected issues with given properties. If you are an investor or with the desire to live in a property or a seller, real estate in premium developments carries a certain potential for the long term. We follow quality criteria to assist your decision making and help you avoid overpaying as well as strategically negotiate the purchase and lease terms from the beginning.

Rosebury Real Estate Profile

Rosebury Median Rental Prices (Monthly)

1 Bedroom: $2,192

2 Bedrooms: $2,792

3 Bedrooms: $3,800

4 Bedrooms: $4,400

Rosebury Median Home Purchase Prices 

1 Bedroom: $606K

2 Bedrooms: $750K

3 Bedrooms: $1,447K

Rosebury Suburb Spotlight

Except modern developments, the area has characteristic Federation and California bungalows, enriching the appeal of the area. As the area was known for gardening competitions, the tradition of a decorated garden still continues today.

Property Management in Rosebery

Nowadays investing in Rosebury is a very lucrative market. If you want an established property management team, Amsure Realty has been managing properties in the area since 1992. Landlords can benefit from increases in the rent roll, rental property value and lastly improved conditions in their buildings. If you have a higher value property in the area, you will be happy to know that we have a unique approach to make sure you win.

As the area becomes more competitive with each passing year, it is required not to spend money without a plan. But our team of experts will allow you to sleep sound at night, as we will be managing your portfolio with the aim of increasing your property’s value. Contact us today for a first touch of what our tailor-made services can offer.

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